Monday, September 15, 2014

Clay Shooting Mental Training Online Course 101: The Foundation

Get One Up On Your Competition- Just In Time For The Nationals
I am proud to announce
that I am launching my first
Clay Shooting Online Webinar Series
And YOU Benefit!
 Be a part of this FIRST graduating class and
Take advantage of the many specials and discounts being ...
Clay Shooting Mental Training Online Course 101: The Foundation

Deja Vu and Alternate Dimensions

taken from The Mind Unleashed 19th of February, 2014


Deja vu is one of the little-known and mysterious phenomena of our psyche. Many people sometimes feel that a situation in their life has already been experienced before in all the details. But how and when? This phenomenon is called déjà vu, which in French means ‘already seen’. It is a condition in which a person feels that once he already experienced a situation of the present, but the feeling is not associated with a specific moment of the past, but refers to the past in general.
Deja Vu and Alternate Dimensions

Mind Expanding Documentaries

taken from The Mind Unleashed on March, 13, 2014


I watch a lot of documentaries. I think they are incredible tools for learning and increasing our awareness of important issues. The power of an interesting documentary is that it can open our minds to new possibilities and deepen ...
Mind Expanding Documentaries

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Living the Virtues Series: Honesty With Others

Honesty With Others
      This week, I continue to blog on the virtue of honesty. Honesty with others can be something that comes natural to you or something that you must consciously work on. In my professional experience, at times it is easy to tell when someone is being dishonest. But there are people I have met in my life who seemingly create this alter-reality out of lies. Honesty, goes beyond lying. It is absolute acceptance of truth, in thoughts, words, and actions. The quote I chose today really makes you think about the kind of person you are towards others. It states: “Some people will not tolerate such emotional honesty in communication. They would rather defend their dishonesty on the grounds that it might hurt others. Therefore, having rationalized their phoniness into nobility, they settle for superficial relationships.” ~Author Unknown
Living the Virtues Series: Honesty With Others

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Success- Achieve Peak Life and Sports Performance

Success in Life and Sports
     I love to help people achieve peak performance, and have really done a lot of it in my years as a hypnotherapist. As I have worked with many professional and elite athletes over the years, I have identified some of the best possible ways to make that happen. These tools are applicable to success in your life and in whatever sport you play. One of the ways to start on the path toward achieving peak performance, is by recognizing the success you already have.  As you look at your past successes, you need to recognize that they come from three main areas in your life: clarity, balance and energy. Everyone has the ability to identify successes achieved, but we also are given tools that help us be clear, balanced and energetic so that we do achieve success. Thinking about this may seem trivial or silly, but it truly does work in helping you achieve peak performance.
Success- Achieve Peak Life and Sports Performance

Stop Smoking Into

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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Test Product

This product is used to test WP-eCommerce and the site"s shopping cart system.
Test Product

Mind Over Chatter: Check Your Thoughts

 Less Stress, Greater Joy
     Want an advantage in life? There is a mental concept that exists and affects your life. In every aspect of your day, your mind goes through millions of thoughts. The quote that I chose today is befitting to this month"s theme of Less Stress, Greater Joy because it has to do with our thoughts, our perceptions and things that are within and out of our control. Today"s quote is by John Homer Miller. It pertains to the positive or negative nature of your thoughts. Your mindset is one of your greatest liabilities, but has the potential to be your greatest asset. I am a huge advocate of how you think can determine your well being, in every facet, from mind to spirit and in between. A positive mindset can be your greatest asset.
Mind Over Chatter: Check Your Thoughts

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Never, Ever Give Up. Believe and Take Action

Never, Ever give up and always know that ANYTHING is possible!
Believe In Yourself! And Take Action
Get clear on who you are, what you desire and what you are passionate about.
Don"t listen to anyone telling you that you "can"t"
You are a miraculous human being with an extremely powerful ...
Never, Ever Give Up. Believe and Take Action

The Growth Mindset

The Growth Mindset comes from a belief that our abilities can be developed.
Our brain grows when we get a question wrong, when we struggle, when we look at our errors and think that"s interesting.
We shouldn"t be ashamed of our mistakes, we should view it as something interesting... something ...
The Growth Mindset

You Can Learn Anything

Khan Academy is on a mission to unlock the world"s potential. Most people think their intelligence is fixed. The science says it’s not. It starts with knowing you can learn anything.

You Can Learn Anything

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Self Assurance Test: Challanging Situations

Challenging Situations and Self Assurance
      As you look for ways to improve your sport performance, I would like you to consider the following suggestion from my golf product: “I am assured in my ability and know I can accomplish a task even in challenging situations.” How often would you say that you speak to yourself or others like this? Is it common? Do you view yourself as assured in your ability? Do you know you can accomplish a task, even in challenging situations? I believe many of you out there would say yes to that, but many might not.
       Through your life experiences and your unique personality, maybe you have been able to build a level of confidence and self assurance that you can face any situation or task and feel that you can handle it. But there are also many people out there who are not assured in their abilities. Those who waver when it comes to having confidence in accomplishing a task, and who crumble in challenging situations. If you are in the former category, how do you address that?
The Self Assurance Test: Challanging Situations

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Living the Virtues Series: Honesty With Self

Honesty With Self
      This month I will be blogging about the virtue of honesty. Honesty is known as the quality of being truthful. This week, I am focusing on honesty with self. The quote that I have chosen for this week"s virtue is by James Allen. It states: "The man who cannot endure to have his errors and shortcomings brought to the surface and made known, but tries to hide them, is unfit to walk the highway of truth."
Living the Virtues Series: Honesty With Self

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Living the Virtues Series: Forgiveness as a Spiritual Principle

Forgiveness as a Spiritual Principle
     The last installment of the virtue of forgiveness is all about applying it as a spiritual principle in your life. This past month, I have blogged about applying forgiveness into every aspect of your life, from yourself, others to your past and so on. Today is the final installment of forgiveness. The quote that I have picked out is by Reinhold Niebuhr and it states: “To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.”  By now, if you have continually read and implemented my Living the Virtues Series, then you have a pretty good understanding of who you are. You know the perspectives and attitudes you have in life. There is a reason why implementing this series into your life is so important. I believe that each and every one of us can lead a virtuous life. This does not mean that everything will go smoothly or perfectly in your life. It does mean that you learn the value of acceptance, or forgiveness, or kindness, or honesty and have the choice to utilize these virtues in your life.
Living the Virtues Series: Forgiveness as a Spiritual Principle

1 Session Consultation

1 Session Consultation